기적을찾아서 Chap1
### 영어 원문 > Then that the war must be looked upon as one of those generally catastrophic conditions of life in the midst of which we have to live and work, and seek answers to our questions and doubts. The war, the great European war, in the possibility of which I had not wanted to believe and the reality of which I did not for a long time wish to acknowledge, had become a fact. We were in it an..
2024.11.05 -
(Discourse) of Hermes Trismegistus:Poimandres 1-2
#### [6] **Original:** *Poimandres said to me, "Have you understood what this vision means?" "I shall come to know," said I. "I am the light you saw, mind, your god," he said, "who existed before the watery nature that appeared out of darkness. The lightgiving word who comes from mind is the son of god." "Go on," I said. "This is what you must know: that in you which sees and hears is the word o..
2024.08.23 -
(Discourse) of Hermes Trismegistus:Poimandres
#### [1] **Original:** *Once, when thought came to me of the things that are and my thinking soared high and my bodily senses were restrained, like someone heavy with sleep from too much eating or toil of the body, an enormous being completely unbounded in size seemed to appear to me and call my name and say to me: "What do you want to hear and see; what do you want to learn and know from your ..